brrr universe was an experiment on the search of a continuation of Industrial music and broadened the repertoire with 'Consumerism'. stands for Globalized distribution of products Incorporated. Concerts were solely played on globally decentralised spread products.
The stage of are big shops dealing with globalized products. Each product can be an instrument. were brrr and Givan. We played two concerts which you can enjoy here.


LISTME deals with the sound(s) within language. When confronted with an unknown language, it does leave an accoustic impression on us. LISTME beschäftigt sich mit den klanglichen Faktoren von Sprache. Wenn wir Sprachen nicht verstehen, hinterlassen sie dennoch einen akustischen Eindruck, der aufs Erste oft vielleicht nicht gerade eingeordnet werden kann. Starting point was an english text, which has been translated from various people into various languages. In turn these texts are read by people, who do not understand the language they read and/or do not know it well from their surroundings. The result is LISTME - Language is sound to my ears
A permanent project.